Moving Machines

An animated GIF developed from a book that I illustrated called 'Moving Machines'.

About Stuart
Based in Melbourne, Australia, Stuart Holmes has a bold and exciting graphical style that brings fun and visual punch to his client’s projects. His quirky characters, scenes and landscapes – all carefully assembled from colourful geometric shapes – have brought campaigns to life for a whole range of global clients.
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Similar animations by Stuart
Isometric Information Map of Aussie rules football
Graphic design of Tinder - Mobile swiping
Vector icons of buildings
Stuart's latest news
Illustrator Profile - Stuart Holmes
Illustrator Profile - Stuart Holmes
Stuart Holmes illustrates with a graphic vector style full of charm and humour.
Illustrator Profile - Stuart Holmes
Splendour in the Grass
Splendour in the Grass
Stuart Holmes illustrates for a PayPal campaign in association with the Australian music festival 'Splendour in the Grass'
Splendour in the Grass
Stuart Holmes' SCRAPBOOK
Stuart Holmes' SCRAPBOOK
Find out more about Stuart Holmes's style and inspirations in our Interview with an Illustrator.
Stuart Holmes' SCRAPBOOK

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