Kavel at the East End Print Fair

This weekend, go and see Kavel Rafferty and her art at the East End Print Fair.

Kavel has her own stand at the fair in Hackney where she'll be showing and selling her new prints, old favourites and lots of bargains! Kavel has made a gorgeous new piece for her series of 'Tall Things', she says "It's a sister print to the Berlin illustration (Fernsehturn) I did last year and the Barcelona (Sagrada Familia) print the year before... this one is to celebrate showing work again in London. I always loved the Post Office tower as a kid, not that I ever got to go to the revolving restaurant. I can't get used to calling it the BT tower, it will always be the P.O. tower to me." The East End Print Fair is this weekend - 21st and 22nd May.

More information on the event here.


kavel rafferty
fine art
limited edition print
art fair

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