illustrated book cover of The Cleansing Power of Yoga

The Cleansing Power of Yoga

Hannah Davies's latest book with Swami Saradananda, Cleansing Power of Yoga is due for release in mid November

Hannah has been working closely with Watkings publishing to illustrate Swami Saradananda latest book. She has worked on a series of Swami's books and was thrilled to be asked to illustrate the latest.

Hannah was captivated by the themas for each chapter. She worked very closely with the author to get each illustration perfect. Each chapter delves deeply into a particular sense. She worked with inks, watercolours and mix media to create mood and atmosphere. Ancient yogic teachings say that impurities in our internal body adversely affect our state of mind and prevent the attainment of true contentment.

As such, a range of ancient yoga techniques called kriyas, which were designed to cleanse the body, mind and emotions, can have far-reaching relevance in today's society of frequent over-consumption and overwhelm. After an introduction to the detoxifying power of yoga in all its forms (both on and off the mat), Swami Saradananda presents six main chapters of kriyas and other cleansing techniques relating to our five senses and the mind (which controls our senses)

Hannah tells us a bit more about the project, 

"This was a project and commission I loved researching and illustrating. The project and brief really developed my drawing skills and I feel like the author really pushes my creative ideas to the maximum.The outcome is brilliant. It's great working with somebody so focused and driven."

To pre order the book click HERE

hannah davies

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